
黑苹果到底~ OS X: advantages and disadvantages

  1. 鼠标支持非激活窗口内容滚动,即将鼠标置于未激活窗口上,能直接滚动内容。
  2. 文字输入环境,用上下键可以直接移动到文字的顶部和底部(比如浏览器地址栏、搜索框、修改文件名等等)
  3. 黑白显示效果
  4. MissionControl,可以快速切换应用程序
  5. 系统截图,不用QQ!
  6. WiFi共享网络!
  7. 朗读、中文听写!这个很牛叉
  8. 屏保很漂亮
  9. SpotLight快速搜索,还能直接做数学计算
  10. 对打印机神马的支持很好
  11. 集成Gmail, Yahoo!, Aol., 163, 126, QQMail, Weibo, youku, 土豆,Twitter和facebook
  12. Time machine!又一个大神器!
  13. 缩放显示(对应于windows的放大镜)
  14. QQ,简约而不简单
  15. Mail、iTunes、iPhoto,每个都是精品
  16. 任何软件,只要有打印功能,就可以生成pdf!
  17. 安装程序 = 拉进 /Applications,   卸载程序 = 拉进Trash
  18. FaceTime是个好东东,可惜国人用的很少
  19. AppleScript很强大,简直就是人了!
  20. Keynote,效果震惊! 

  1. 网银!
  2. TeX(系统编码的问题)
  3. 迅雷太挫了
  4. 么有Origin Pro
  5. OfficeForMac2011,虽说功能挺齐全,但是我写完了拿到windows下面看,格式神马的还是各种凌乱啊啊~~


Unlimited Registion of HyperDock 1.2.1

Download HyperDock and install it.

Double click a working license and then HyperDock is registered until reboot.

Here's the magic:
  1. Use terminal to change the filename HyperDock.prefpane into HyperDock (the file is in ~/Library/PreferencePanes/ or /Library/PreferencePanes/.
  2. Open preference->Security->Firewall and enable it, in Advanced settings,  add an item, and navigate to ~/Library/PreferencePanes/HyperDock/Contents/Resources and select Hyper Dock Helper, and disable it from connecting to the internet.
  3. Use terminal to change the filename back from HyperDock into HyperDock.prefpane.
All done, enjoy!!!
Another method might be editing hosts. Somebody may want to try it.



Create your own wowpc.iso under mac

this is the command.

sudo hdiutil makehybrid -o wowpc.iso bootmedia/ -iso -hfs -joliet -eltorito-boot bootmedia/usr/standalone/i386/cdboot -no-emul-boot -hfs-volume-name "Chameleon" -joliet-volume-name "Chameleo" -iso-volume-name "Chameleo"
This is the directory to create.

under /bootmedia/usr/standalone/i386/
there are those files:
bdmesg,boot,boot0,boot0hfs,boot0md,boot1f32,boot1h,boot1he,boot1hp,cdboot,chain0,fdisk440,and readme.txt


Optical Bay Hard Drive caddy not recgonized, system hanging/not booting

Replaced the optical drive of my laptop (Dell Inspiron 1464) with a hard drive caddy to extend the storage capacity, but the BIOS seems could not recognize it.

After some digging and checking, I noticed that the SATA port in the laptop for the optical drive is only 1st gen (150MB/s), and it does not support the SATA II type (300MB/s). So I changed the mode of the dard drive into SATA mode with copper wire (jumper settings, to change the working mode), and it works perfect.
From Seagate.com